Brit-Pop party | OASIS + BLUR + MUSE (UK SHOW BY GREEN COVERS) en Loco Club

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Loco Club

C/ Erudito Orellana número 12, Valencia

Brit-Pop party con Green Covers, banda en directo que rinde tributo a OASIS + BLUR MUSE en un concierto en el que sonarán los hits de cada uno de los grupos. Desde Hello, Wonderwall o Don´t look back in anger, de Oasis; pasando por Song2, Coffe And TV, Boys And Girls o The Charmless Man, de Blur, hasta Plug in baby, Starlight o Uprising, de Muse.


Brit-Pop party with Green Covers, a live band that pays tribute to OASIS BLUR MUSE in a concert in which the hits of each of the groups will be played. From Hello, Wonderwall o Don´t look back in anger, by Oasis; passing through Song2, Coffe And TV, Boys And Girls o The Charmless Man, by Blur, to Plug in baby, Starlight o Uprising, by Muse.

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